24 Nov Thankful for SAILING!
It’s Thanksgiving here in the U.S., a time to reflect on things we’re thankful for. This year I’m thankful for a loving family, challenging work and loyal customers. And I’m especially thankful for sailing.
I can’t underestimate the impact sailing has made on my life. It satisfies something inside me in that nothing else does. Through sailing, I’ve built up confidence, made friends far and wide, and explored corners of the world I never knew existed. I’m grateful for sunsets over the water, and racing in the pouring rain. For windy days sailing to the edge of my ability, and windless drifting days when I learn to appreciate even the slightest puff. I’m thankful for all the sailors who’ve taught me – both what to do and what not to do! – and the easy camaraderie that sailors everywhere seem to share. I’m grateful to experience the feel of the breeze on my face, the sound of water rushing by the hull, the call of seabirds. I’m thankful that sailing provides both an escape and a refuge, a welcome counterpoint to challenges faced on land. I’m thankful for everyone and everything it has brought into my life.
Wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving – and good sailing.